AXIS Capital teams up with start-up accelerator

AXIS Capital teams up with start-up accelerator

AXIS Capital Holdings has announced that it has partnered with CyLon, a global cybersecurity start-up accelerator, to help educate cybersecurity start-ups on the opportunities and challenges of the cyber insurance market.

The AXIS Cyber Center of Excellence will work with CyLon to help mentor start-ups that enter the CyLon cybersecurity accelerator cohort in London, AXIS said. AXIS and CyLon will also co-host industry events and team up to produce research and reports on the cybersecurity market.

“We ’re pleased to partner with CyLon in the advancement of the global cybersecurity ecosystem,” said Dan Treman, global head of cyber and technology at AXIS. “As firms face an ever more dynamic cyber risk environment, it ’s important that they have access to creative and innovative cybersecurity resources and services. Through our partnership with CyLon, we will work together to mentor and educate cybersecurity start-ups so they are accurately aligned to help companies mitigate their cyber risks.”

Since its launch in 2015, CyLon has supported more than 80 companies worldwide and has an investment portfolio valued at more than £400 million.

“We are delighted to welcome AXIS Capital as a new partner to CyLon,” said Grace Cassy, co-founder of CyLon. “AXIS Capital ’s extensive knowledge and expertise in the cyber insurance market will provide huge benefit to CyLon companies, and will present new opportunities for partnerships and growth. We look forward to working closely with AXIS Capital as we continue our mission to find, grow and invest in the world ’s best emerging cyber businesses.”


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